Autumn Equinox : Strong Roots
It's officially autumn! Last weekend was the Autumn Equinox and over the past couple of weeks I've started to feel the cold chill in the air, the shorter darker evenings and the leaves changing colour.
Over the past two years my connection with nature has deepened as I've started to pay more attention to the changing seasons and the natural world around me.
I have become very good friends with the college gardens near me and me and baby B visit nearly every day, and sometimes twice a day! The large oak tree next to the garden centre inspired this two-part simple harmony song, which I wrote on Autumn Equinox...(click picture to watch video)
This particular oak tree has such spectacular large golden leaves. It was crying out to be sang about and photographed.
The changing of season of Autumn can echo personal changes we are going through. There are three key themes I've been reflecting on. Here are some autumn equinox journalling questions...
What have you harvested in the warmer months?
Projects achieved? Work Completed? A new thing started?
What qualities have you embodied? More patient? Kinder?
Shedding / Drawing Down
As the trees conserve their energy they shed their leaves and draw their energy down to their roots...
What would you like to shed?
Is it time to quit a project or activity?
Is there a mood or state of mind that you are ready to let go of?
What would you like to take from your harvest and draw down into your roots to keep you strong?
True sacrifice is sacrificing lower ideals, for higher ones...
What do you value? I love Mark Manson's work on values Read here
If you'd like to be the best version of yourself what behaviour or motivations do you need to sacrifice?
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And now a bit about how I've celebrated the changing season and my news...
Me, my homegirl Adeline and Baby B made this beautiful Autumn Mandala, from leaves from my favourite oak tree and other trees and bushes in the garden and in the woods...Whilst we created this we reflected and shared on the questions above.
I also took to the woods with two other Singing Mamas leaders; Frances and Grace. We sang some autumn songs together and shared on what we would like to carry through the cold months...
My Harvest : Singing Mamas Community
I am very grateful for the community I have harvested with my Singing Mamas work. Just over a year ago I felt very alone in motherhood and now I'm surrounded by wonderful loving mamas. We have launched Forest Singing Mamas where we will be singing in a secret woodland every week. I am also studying my Forest School Level 1, so I will be leading some Den Building sessions in the woods. I have a separate email list for my Singing Mamas work. If you are local to Tonbridge please email and I'll send you all the upcoming events.
May you let go of what no longer serves you, like the trees shedding their leaves.
May what you shed be transmuted into rich soil, which strengthens your roots.
May your strong roots and your summer harvest carry you through the cold months.
May you allow yourself to slow down and rest more in the darker part of the year.
May you be intentional about how you spend your time and energy.
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