Thank you so much in your interest in our cover / collaborate project for Album 4.
We will be soon launching a crowdfunder for our new album which will launch on Wednesday 19th Feb and close on Thursday 20th March. We would love your help spreading the word and adding some vibrancy and sparkle to this project.
Here's what you need to do...
1.Learn and Film a Cover of "Good Day" or "This Moment" or both. The video could just be a solo performance, your choir singing it, or you and your friends.
2.Share on Instagram and collaborate with me @LauraLamn on the post (Please share between 19th Feb and 19th March) - If you need help with how to collaborate on a post, give me a shout or ask Google.
Suggested IG post copy:
We love this new song by @LauraLamn and we can't wait for her new album. Show some support and pre-order her music on IndieGoGo! **Campaign closes on 19th March"
Alternatively if you don't use Instagram, you can email or whatsapp me your video and I will share and credit you :-)
Learn the Parts from Good Day :
Perfomance of Good Day :
Learn the Parts from This Moment :
Performance of This Moment :
Please feel free to email me with any questions
Thank you so much