Mum and Baby Classes Tonbridge for Mental Health
In Tonbridge we are very lucky to have a wide range of support for your mental health. Singing and yoga are both proven to calm and soothe, as well as other online resources listed below...
10-11.30, St Stephen's Church Tonbridge. Find out more : Singing Mamas Tonbridge Group singing has been proven to be effective for alleviating Post Natal Depression and we are on a mission to bring singing to new mums!
10-11 Mum and Baby Yoga with Hannah Applegren. Find out more Mum and Baby Yoga
Listening Support from Baby Umbrella: Is parenthood feeling challenging right now? Are you feeling low and struggling to get through the day, or constantly worrying about your baby or other things about your new life? Or perhaps you're finding things a little overwhelming, isolating or exhausting. Listening Support from Baby Umbrella
Raise Up Mums - Raise up Mums was created after not being able to find realistic wellbeing resources for mums who don't have extra hours in the day to look after themselves (so that's all of us, yes?). Raise Up Mums
Emma Jeffrey PT - We all know our physical and mental health are linked! Emma offers personal training especially for Mums